Sunday, July 20, 2014

Today's Happy

Hello again!

I had a lot of ideas for my first (real) blog.  I wanted to post about some things that just make me first thought was i should pour myself some coffee and get started... so here we are!  With three kids under 7 I am always in the need for a pick me up.  The first thing i do each morning, or middle of the night with the baby, is sleepily head for this baby.

I love you coffee machine.  This is something that truly makes me happy because happy families start with awake mommy's.  I recently had to put my other kuerig out to pasture after 3 years.  I got this teal one and love the color and it's always fun to have something new, right!?  I am not a grumpy morning person (I don't think) but my kids and husband do always have this ready to go for me when they are up first :) I've trained them well! 

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